It took us 4 years and a team of 9 experts to create the right sensory balance of the perfect cotto. A product born from the choice and the selection of a 100% Italian raw material, from that one recipe that could lead to a unique, memorable and intense flavor profile.
A wonderful, balanced slice, with just the right amount and the right texture of white and pink, hides its secret in the intense massage made only with natural aromas: a true prelude to the production process that begins with a slow, out-of-mold steaming and ends with a dry phase to obtain a very light external roasting.
Each slice is like listening to a harmony where thyme, rosemary and juniper echo, to a melody of sweeter notes and citrus undertones. Enjoy it adagio, closing your eyes, and it will become your one and only Cotto di Parma. But please remember to slice it thinly.